sâmbătă, 26 aprilie 2008

Coduri sursa php & mysql Visual Basic & altele - Daniel Stefan

Coduri sursa php & mysql Visual Basic & altele - Daniel Stefan

03.iunie, 2008

visual basic
drag & drop

Private Sub imgMain_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
Call DragForm(Me)
End If
End Sub

asta se pune in form, in modul se pune ce este mai jos:
Public Sub DragForm(frm As Form)
Call ReleaseCapture
Call SendMessage(frm.hwnd, &HA1, 2, 0)
End Sub

http://www.php.net/manual/ro/manual.php - cursuri / manual(E) php in limba romana


Pentru a schimba cursorul / mouse-ul

mai jos este un cod in visual basic tot pentru drag & drop

<br><br>________________________________________<br><br>"iframe" HTML<br><br><br><br><br><iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://google.com" frameborder="0" width="728" scrolling="no" height="90"></iframe><br><br><br><strong>Visual Baisc 6.0 shell</strong><br><br>c: est.exeShell "c:\test.exe", vbNormalFocus<br>regsvr32, notepad, and explorer<br><br>Shell "notepad", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br><br><br><br>Shell "explorer", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br>Shell "notepad C:\test.txt", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br>Shell "notepad ""C:\dir with spaces\test.txt""", vbNormalFocus<br><br>notepad " C:\dir with spaces\test.txt"<br><br><br>Constant<br>Value<br>Description<br>vbHide<br>0<br>Window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.<br>vbNormalFocus<br>1<br>Window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.<br>vbMinimizedFocus<br>2<br>Window is displayed as an icon with focus.<br>vbMaximizedFocus<br>3<br>Window is maximized with focus.<br>vbNormalNoFocus<br>4<br>Window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.<br>vbMinimizedNoFocus<br>6<br>Window is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.<br>The shell function also returns a TaskID (double), that you can use with the AppActivate statement:<br>Private dblNotePadID As Double'// runs wordPrivate Sub cmdRunNotePad_Click() dblNotePadID = Shell("notepad", vbNormalFocus")End Sub'// activates word at a later stagePrivate Sub cmdActivateNotePad_Click() AppActivate dblNotePadIDEnd Sub<br>Visual Basic - pentru drag and drop - codul este luat de pe pagina http://forum.chip.ro/showthread.php?t=14052<br>--------------------------------------<br>In modul<br>Private psnFrmX As Single<br>Private psnFrmY As Single<br>--------------------------------------<br>Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If Button And vbLeftButton Then<br>psnFrmX = X<br>psnFrmY = Y<br>MousePointer = vbSizeAll<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If MousePointer = vbSizeAll Then<br>Left = Left + X - psnFrmX<br>Top = Top + Y - psnFrmY<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If MousePointer = vbSizeAll Then<br>MousePointer = vbNormal<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>--------------------------------------


Cursuri facultate - Daniel Stefan

Cursuri facultate - Daniel Stefan

http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/rom/cid_main.html - Circuite integrate digitale

http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/rom/dce/goltean/dce/dce.htm - DISPOZITIVE SI CIRCUITE ELECTRONICE

http://www.upg-ploiesti.ro/col/cursmsel/cuprins.htm - MASURARI ELECTRONICE

http://senzori.valahia.ro/pag/st.htm - Senzori si Traductoare

duminică, 6 aprilie 2008

Antivirus Firewall - Daniel Stefan

Antivirus Firewall - Daniel Stefan
http://www.free-av.com/en/download/index.html - AVIRA - antivirus gratuit, gratis

Internet, Site-uri, etc - Daniel Stefan

Internet, Site-uri, etc - Daniel Stefan


http://www.dns.lu/en/EN-LUTestNoms.php - test pt serverul de hosting daca accepta domeniul respectiv

http://www.smartpagerank.com/ - mai multe informatii utile despre siteuri

http://pidgin.im/download/windows/ - un serviciu de mesaj instant, cu care poti inlocui yahoo messenger sau pot fi folosite simultan

Softuri utile sistem - Daniel Stefan

Softuri utile sistem - Daniel Stefan

http://www.7-zip.org/ - pentru arhivare dezarhicare fisiere

http://www.ccleaner.com/download - pentru curatat registrii windows si cache-ul browserelor web

http://9down.com/DirectX-End-User-Runtimes-March-2008--23017/ - set instructiuni pentru a rula ultimele jocuri

http://9down.com/Microsoft-NET-Framework-3-5-19653/ - Util pentru a rula anumite aplicatii de windows

http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp - java

sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2008

Soft PDF - Daniel Stefan

Soft PDF - Daniel Stefan

http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp - soft pentru a converti doc-umentele in PDF-uri. Dupa ce se instaleaza softul, se deschide Microsoft Office Word, pentru a exporta fisierele se foloseste "FILE" -> "PRINT" -> dupa care se va selecta cutepdf.

http://www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/ - pentru a citi si a scrie (edita) documente pdf.

Cursuri Autocad - Daniel Stefan

Cursuri Autocad - Daniel Stefan

http://www.cadtutor.net/ - cursuri autocad gratuite, contine si cursuri 3d

http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/learning/autocad/ad2/T1/ - introducere in Autocad, cursuri pentru incepatori

Gazduire gratuita - Daniel Stefan

Gazduire gratuita - Daniel Stefan

https://www.blogger.com/start - gazduire gratuita pentru blog

http://geocities.yahoo.com/ - gazduire gratuita pentru site - yahoo

http://www.freeservers.com/ - gazdurire gratuita 50 MB

http://www.tripod.lycos.com/ - gazduire gratuita 20 MB spatiu

Html, txt - Daniel Stefan

Html, txt - Daniel Stefan

http://download.openoffice.org/index.html - documente, texte, etc, versiunea gratuita a programului "Microsoft Word" - se pot edita / modifica aceleasi tipuri de fisiere .doc , .xls , etc.

http://www.editpadpro.com/ - pentru text

http://www.evrsoft.com/ - Soft pt HTML

Video Soft - Daniel Stefan

Video Soft - Daniel Stefan

http://www.zdsoft.com/downloads.html - soft pentru captura Desktop

http://www.virtualdub.org/ - soft video pentru taiat filme

http://www.codecs.com/KMPlayer_download.htm - KMPlayer player pentru filme, deschide orice format video sau audio, fara a avea nevoie de alte codecuri

http://www.splitcamera.com/ - soft pentru camera web

http://www.adobe.com/products/premiere/ - Adobe Premiere - Soft video

http://www.magix.com/ - Magix music maker - Soft audio si video

vineri, 4 aprilie 2008

Muzica, mp3, posturi de radio - Daniel Stefan

Muzica, mp3, posturi de radio Liste cu posturi de radio - Daniel Stefan BLOG

http://www.romaniaradio.ro/radio-manele.html - posturi de radio din Romania

http://www.listenlive.eu/romania.html - posturi de radio din rOMANAIA

www.penguinradio.com - posturi de radio

http://streamfinder.com/ - baza de date cu posturi de radio

http://www.surfmusic.de/format/house.html - lista cu posturi de radio







http://hhukrecordings.co.uk - Gay HardHouse Radio Podcast - Hard House Hard Trance NRG Techno

http://www.twelveinch.co.uk/index.php - the hard dance information



http://www.nonstopplay.com/site/broadbandlistenpage.html - NonStopPlay.com - Online Dance Internet Radio Station - Non-Stop Rhythm & Dance

http://www.bassdrive.com/v2/ - Drum & Bass Radio

http://www.friskyradio.com/ - Free Online Dance Radio

http://www.energyfm.co.uk - Energy FM - Home

http://www.electronic-music.net/music.php - [streams] Electronic music , house, techno, hard techno, drum'n'bass, jungle,breaks, hip hop, jazzy house, deep house, experimental ...
Multe posturi de radio... situl trebuie impartit dupa fiecare categorie///link afisat.

http://www.tuner2.com/index.html?s=Trance - cu linkurile de mai sus sau cu mai multe linlkuri

http://www.neradio.se/ - NERadio - The best of Techno and Trance

http://forum.afterhours.fm/ - Afterhours.FM - The Best in Trance & Progressive

http://etn.fm/Radio/index - ETN.fm - The Best in Trance & Progressive Music!

http://www.xtcfm.net/ - xtc live london

http://www.technobase.fm/ - techno, trance, dance

http://www.techno4ever.net/t4e/news.html - Techno4ever - Deutsche Techno - 24 Stunden Radio Stream

http://www.radioabf.net/abf.php - Radio ABF Underground


http://www.dnbradio.com/song/Fat+Freddy%27s+Drop+-+Cay%27s+Crays+%28Artificial+Intelligence+Remix%29 - Fat Freddy's Drop - Cay's Crays (Artificial Intelligence Remix) on Kartel Music (KART011) (2006) -- Music on DnbRadio


http://www.radiosfera.pl - RADIO INTERNETOWE RADIOSFERA - Dj, Mp3

http://www.philosomatika.com/ - P h i l o s o m a t i k a 100% Psychedelic Trance MP3 Stream

http://www.justmusic.fm/pages/default.aspx - JUSTMUSIC.FM - JUST PROGRESSIVE MUSIC -

house trance techno

http://www.virusfm.ru/ - VIRUS FM : house, techno, trance.

http://somafm.com/ - trance - SomaFM: Commercial-Free, Independent Internet Radio

http://www.hard.fm/ - Hard.fm - The #1 Hardstyle Radio / Community on the web! - Home

http://www.mohradio.com/ - master of hardcore radio

http://www.pulsradio.com/index.php?op=home - Non-Stop Dance Music



http://www.rgrfm.be/ - .:: RGR fm ::.

http://www.studiopiu.net/ascoltaci.php - Radio Studio Più - The Dance Station

Grafica - Daniel Stefan

Grafica - Daniel Stefan BLOG

http://www.photoshopromania.ro/ - tutoriale photoshop

http://www.acdsee.com/ - Soft pentru poze 1

http://www.irfanview.com/ - Soft pentru poze 2

http://www.pl32.com/ - Soft pentru modificat, editat, taiat poze

http://www.graphicsfactory.com/ - Site cu cate ceva despre grafica si care contine grafica

Scripturi - Daniel Stefan

Scripturi - Daniel Stefan BLOG




http://coppermine-gallery.net/ - Script pentru galerie de poze

http://www.joomseo.com/downloads/joomseo-for-joomla-1.5.x/index.php?Itemid=4 - Jomla SEO

http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/ - xampp-win32-1.6.3a-installer.exe - Apache preconfigurat. contine mysql, php, etc


http://www.dotnetcharting.com/thankyou.aspx - script pentru upload file (Mini_File_Hos)

SERVER, PHP, MYSQL - script php mysql e-mail pentru server

http://e107.org/ - script pentru portal











DNS - http://www.directnic.com/



