sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008

Un script gratuit - Daniel Stefan

Un script gratuit pentru director de site-uri - Daniel Stefan


duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008

Jocuri Vechi HC - COBRA CIP si altele care mai erau la moda - Daniel Stefan

Jocuri Vechi HC - COBRA CIP si altele care mai erau la moda in perioada 1980 si ceva si pana in 1990 si ceva toate realizate cu procesorul Z80 Z 80 - Daniel Stefan

http://www.worldofspectrum.org/games/a.html - arhiva cu jocuri

2-3 jocuri in versiune windows


miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008

vineri, 5 septembrie 2008

Script forum - Daniel Stefan

http://punbb.informer.com/ - un script pentru forum - e posibil sa-l mai fi scris pe aici pe undeva.

marți, 26 august 2008

marți, 19 august 2008

miercuri, 6 august 2008

Imagini cu flori pisici peisaje munti rauri pasari parcuri

Imagini cu flori pisici peisaje munti rauri pasari parcuri

Cel mai tare sit pe care l-am vazut pana acum cu imagini desktop wallpapere super tari.
Munti natura parcuri imagini cu flori. Ar fi multe de zis dar nu am loc sa scriu aici despre ceea ce se poate gasi pe acest site:


descrierea completa:

Poze cu animale, pasari si insecte, Poze cu Biserici Manastiri Catedrale, Poze cu cer, Poze cu cetati antice si medievale, Poze cu dealuri si campii, Poze cu flori, Poze cu gradini, paduri, parcuri, pomi, copaci, Poze cu lacuri, rauri si baraje, Poze cu legume si fructe, Poze cu mari si oceane, Poze cu munti, Poze cu orase, Poze cu peisaje, Poze cu plante de apartament

Un site mishto cu posturi de radio / muzica electronica - Daniel Stefan

Un site mishto cu posturi de radio / muzica electronica - Daniel Stefan


Dictionar roman - englez si englez - roman - Daniel Stefan

Dictionar roman - englez si englez - roman - Daniel Stefan

Asta imi place mie.


luni, 21 iulie 2008

Total Commander - Ftp upload - Daniel Stefan

Total Commander - Ftp upload - Daniel Stefan

miercuri, 16 iulie 2008

Script nou pt site - Daniel Stefan

Script nou pt site - Daniel Stefan


Personal nu l`am testat inca

joi, 10 iulie 2008

Cum poti schimba wallpaperul de pe desktop din VIsual Basic

Cum poti schimba wallpaperul de pe desktop din Visual Basic

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As Any, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeWallPaper()
Dim ret As Long
Dim t As Integer
fl.Path = App.Path
fl.Pattern = "*.bmp;*.jpg"
t = Int((fl.ListCount * Rnd))

ret = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0&, fl.Path & "\" & fl.List(t), SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE Or SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE)
End Sub

Coduri sursa - Daniel Stefan

Coduri sursa - Daniel Stefan


joi, 3 iulie 2008

Ca sa-i vezi pe cei care stau pe invizibil pe messenger

Ca sa-i vezi pe cei care stau pe invizibil pe messenger

Daca o sa te chinui putin o sa gasesti(pe siteurile de specialitate) si ceva care o sa`l faca sa fie mai mult decat versiune demo.


sâmbătă, 26 aprilie 2008

Coduri sursa php & mysql Visual Basic & altele - Daniel Stefan

Coduri sursa php & mysql Visual Basic & altele - Daniel Stefan

03.iunie, 2008

visual basic
drag & drop

Private Sub imgMain_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
Call DragForm(Me)
End If
End Sub

asta se pune in form, in modul se pune ce este mai jos:
Public Sub DragForm(frm As Form)
Call ReleaseCapture
Call SendMessage(frm.hwnd, &HA1, 2, 0)
End Sub

http://www.php.net/manual/ro/manual.php - cursuri / manual(E) php in limba romana


Pentru a schimba cursorul / mouse-ul

mai jos este un cod in visual basic tot pentru drag & drop

<br><br>________________________________________<br><br>"iframe" HTML<br><br><br><br><br><iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://google.com" frameborder="0" width="728" scrolling="no" height="90"></iframe><br><br><br><strong>Visual Baisc 6.0 shell</strong><br><br>c: est.exeShell "c:\test.exe", vbNormalFocus<br>regsvr32, notepad, and explorer<br><br>Shell "notepad", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br><br><br><br>Shell "explorer", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br>Shell "notepad C:\test.txt", vbNormalFocus<br><br><br>Shell "notepad ""C:\dir with spaces\test.txt""", vbNormalFocus<br><br>notepad " C:\dir with spaces\test.txt"<br><br><br>Constant<br>Value<br>Description<br>vbHide<br>0<br>Window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.<br>vbNormalFocus<br>1<br>Window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.<br>vbMinimizedFocus<br>2<br>Window is displayed as an icon with focus.<br>vbMaximizedFocus<br>3<br>Window is maximized with focus.<br>vbNormalNoFocus<br>4<br>Window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.<br>vbMinimizedNoFocus<br>6<br>Window is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.<br>The shell function also returns a TaskID (double), that you can use with the AppActivate statement:<br>Private dblNotePadID As Double'// runs wordPrivate Sub cmdRunNotePad_Click() dblNotePadID = Shell("notepad", vbNormalFocus")End Sub'// activates word at a later stagePrivate Sub cmdActivateNotePad_Click() AppActivate dblNotePadIDEnd Sub<br>Visual Basic - pentru drag and drop - codul este luat de pe pagina http://forum.chip.ro/showthread.php?t=14052<br>--------------------------------------<br>In modul<br>Private psnFrmX As Single<br>Private psnFrmY As Single<br>--------------------------------------<br>Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If Button And vbLeftButton Then<br>psnFrmX = X<br>psnFrmY = Y<br>MousePointer = vbSizeAll<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If MousePointer = vbSizeAll Then<br>Left = Left + X - psnFrmX<br>Top = Top + Y - psnFrmY<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)<br>If MousePointer = vbSizeAll Then<br>MousePointer = vbNormal<br>End If<br>End Sub<br>--------------------------------------


Cursuri facultate - Daniel Stefan

Cursuri facultate - Daniel Stefan

http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/rom/cid_main.html - Circuite integrate digitale

http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/rom/dce/goltean/dce/dce.htm - DISPOZITIVE SI CIRCUITE ELECTRONICE

http://www.upg-ploiesti.ro/col/cursmsel/cuprins.htm - MASURARI ELECTRONICE

http://senzori.valahia.ro/pag/st.htm - Senzori si Traductoare

duminică, 6 aprilie 2008

Antivirus Firewall - Daniel Stefan

Antivirus Firewall - Daniel Stefan
http://www.free-av.com/en/download/index.html - AVIRA - antivirus gratuit, gratis

Internet, Site-uri, etc - Daniel Stefan

Internet, Site-uri, etc - Daniel Stefan


http://www.dns.lu/en/EN-LUTestNoms.php - test pt serverul de hosting daca accepta domeniul respectiv

http://www.smartpagerank.com/ - mai multe informatii utile despre siteuri

http://pidgin.im/download/windows/ - un serviciu de mesaj instant, cu care poti inlocui yahoo messenger sau pot fi folosite simultan

Softuri utile sistem - Daniel Stefan

Softuri utile sistem - Daniel Stefan

http://www.7-zip.org/ - pentru arhivare dezarhicare fisiere

http://www.ccleaner.com/download - pentru curatat registrii windows si cache-ul browserelor web

http://9down.com/DirectX-End-User-Runtimes-March-2008--23017/ - set instructiuni pentru a rula ultimele jocuri

http://9down.com/Microsoft-NET-Framework-3-5-19653/ - Util pentru a rula anumite aplicatii de windows

http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp - java

sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2008

Soft PDF - Daniel Stefan

Soft PDF - Daniel Stefan

http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp - soft pentru a converti doc-umentele in PDF-uri. Dupa ce se instaleaza softul, se deschide Microsoft Office Word, pentru a exporta fisierele se foloseste "FILE" -> "PRINT" -> dupa care se va selecta cutepdf.

http://www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/ - pentru a citi si a scrie (edita) documente pdf.

Cursuri Autocad - Daniel Stefan

Cursuri Autocad - Daniel Stefan

http://www.cadtutor.net/ - cursuri autocad gratuite, contine si cursuri 3d

http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/learning/autocad/ad2/T1/ - introducere in Autocad, cursuri pentru incepatori

Gazduire gratuita - Daniel Stefan

Gazduire gratuita - Daniel Stefan

https://www.blogger.com/start - gazduire gratuita pentru blog

http://geocities.yahoo.com/ - gazduire gratuita pentru site - yahoo

http://www.freeservers.com/ - gazdurire gratuita 50 MB

http://www.tripod.lycos.com/ - gazduire gratuita 20 MB spatiu

Html, txt - Daniel Stefan

Html, txt - Daniel Stefan

http://download.openoffice.org/index.html - documente, texte, etc, versiunea gratuita a programului "Microsoft Word" - se pot edita / modifica aceleasi tipuri de fisiere .doc , .xls , etc.

http://www.editpadpro.com/ - pentru text

http://www.evrsoft.com/ - Soft pt HTML

Video Soft - Daniel Stefan

Video Soft - Daniel Stefan

http://www.zdsoft.com/downloads.html - soft pentru captura Desktop

http://www.virtualdub.org/ - soft video pentru taiat filme

http://www.codecs.com/KMPlayer_download.htm - KMPlayer player pentru filme, deschide orice format video sau audio, fara a avea nevoie de alte codecuri

http://www.splitcamera.com/ - soft pentru camera web

http://www.adobe.com/products/premiere/ - Adobe Premiere - Soft video

http://www.magix.com/ - Magix music maker - Soft audio si video

vineri, 4 aprilie 2008

Muzica, mp3, posturi de radio - Daniel Stefan

Muzica, mp3, posturi de radio Liste cu posturi de radio - Daniel Stefan BLOG

http://www.romaniaradio.ro/radio-manele.html - posturi de radio din Romania

http://www.listenlive.eu/romania.html - posturi de radio din rOMANAIA

www.penguinradio.com - posturi de radio

http://streamfinder.com/ - baza de date cu posturi de radio

http://www.surfmusic.de/format/house.html - lista cu posturi de radio







http://hhukrecordings.co.uk - Gay HardHouse Radio Podcast - Hard House Hard Trance NRG Techno

http://www.twelveinch.co.uk/index.php - the hard dance information



http://www.nonstopplay.com/site/broadbandlistenpage.html - NonStopPlay.com - Online Dance Internet Radio Station - Non-Stop Rhythm & Dance

http://www.bassdrive.com/v2/ - Drum & Bass Radio

http://www.friskyradio.com/ - Free Online Dance Radio

http://www.energyfm.co.uk - Energy FM - Home

http://www.electronic-music.net/music.php - [streams] Electronic music , house, techno, hard techno, drum'n'bass, jungle,breaks, hip hop, jazzy house, deep house, experimental ...
Multe posturi de radio... situl trebuie impartit dupa fiecare categorie///link afisat.

http://www.tuner2.com/index.html?s=Trance - cu linkurile de mai sus sau cu mai multe linlkuri

http://www.neradio.se/ - NERadio - The best of Techno and Trance

http://forum.afterhours.fm/ - Afterhours.FM - The Best in Trance & Progressive

http://etn.fm/Radio/index - ETN.fm - The Best in Trance & Progressive Music!

http://www.xtcfm.net/ - xtc live london

http://www.technobase.fm/ - techno, trance, dance

http://www.techno4ever.net/t4e/news.html - Techno4ever - Deutsche Techno - 24 Stunden Radio Stream

http://www.radioabf.net/abf.php - Radio ABF Underground


http://www.dnbradio.com/song/Fat+Freddy%27s+Drop+-+Cay%27s+Crays+%28Artificial+Intelligence+Remix%29 - Fat Freddy's Drop - Cay's Crays (Artificial Intelligence Remix) on Kartel Music (KART011) (2006) -- Music on DnbRadio


http://www.radiosfera.pl - RADIO INTERNETOWE RADIOSFERA - Dj, Mp3

http://www.philosomatika.com/ - P h i l o s o m a t i k a 100% Psychedelic Trance MP3 Stream

http://www.justmusic.fm/pages/default.aspx - JUSTMUSIC.FM - JUST PROGRESSIVE MUSIC -

house trance techno

http://www.virusfm.ru/ - VIRUS FM : house, techno, trance.

http://somafm.com/ - trance - SomaFM: Commercial-Free, Independent Internet Radio

http://www.hard.fm/ - Hard.fm - The #1 Hardstyle Radio / Community on the web! - Home

http://www.mohradio.com/ - master of hardcore radio

http://www.pulsradio.com/index.php?op=home - Non-Stop Dance Music



http://www.rgrfm.be/ - .:: RGR fm ::.

http://www.studiopiu.net/ascoltaci.php - Radio Studio Più - The Dance Station

Grafica - Daniel Stefan

Grafica - Daniel Stefan BLOG

http://www.photoshopromania.ro/ - tutoriale photoshop

http://www.acdsee.com/ - Soft pentru poze 1

http://www.irfanview.com/ - Soft pentru poze 2

http://www.pl32.com/ - Soft pentru modificat, editat, taiat poze

http://www.graphicsfactory.com/ - Site cu cate ceva despre grafica si care contine grafica

Scripturi - Daniel Stefan

Scripturi - Daniel Stefan BLOG




http://coppermine-gallery.net/ - Script pentru galerie de poze

http://www.joomseo.com/downloads/joomseo-for-joomla-1.5.x/index.php?Itemid=4 - Jomla SEO

http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/ - xampp-win32-1.6.3a-installer.exe - Apache preconfigurat. contine mysql, php, etc


http://www.dotnetcharting.com/thankyou.aspx - script pentru upload file (Mini_File_Hos)

SERVER, PHP, MYSQL - script php mysql e-mail pentru server

http://e107.org/ - script pentru portal











DNS - http://www.directnic.com/



